
Hotels for Chardham yatra

There are number of small and big cities, towns and villages which comes across during entire route of Char dham Yatra. You can stay at any places which you find good enough as night halt.

Hotels for Chardham yatra

Chardham Tourism provides best hotels as per our customer’s request. For any destination in Chardham we can book hotels for you. With Online Hotel Bookings facility and the best possible Hotel reservation deal will be offered to you. If you are among those opportune pilgrims who are planning for spending some spiritual days at Chardham circuit, here are the top notch hotel options for you. These hotels are being categorized impressively into different grades including the budgetary, standard, luxury and deluxe hotels. List of Chardham hotels, lodges, guest houses, resorts and other accommodations in Chardham circuit. In all most every spot of Chardham destination deluxe, luxury and budget hotels are serving the pilgrims. Tourist lodges are also very demanding Hotel accommodations in Chardham. We are providing best Chardham accommodation packages for Chardham circuit.

All the hotels nestled on the route to Chardham from Haridwar proffer world class amenities and a great amount of enjoyment. So, if you are pondering a celestial Chardham Yatra, it is essential you should book the room in advance to savor the hassle free chardham trip. Here are some of the top hotels that render guests a comfortable stay with mind-blowing experiences that they will love to cherish eternally.

There are number of small and big cities, towns and villages which comes across during entire route of Char dham Yatra. You can stay at any places which you find good enough as night halt. Make sure the hotels and resorts are in good conditions with neat and clean rooms, ventilation, hygienic washrooms and toilets. Some places are remotely located during Char dham Yatra tour packages, so be prepared to get average hotels and resorts with basic rooms and limited service over there. Also the food options are limited at these destinations.

Destinations on Chardham RouteNearby PlacesAccommodation Type
HaridwarRishikeshAll types: budget, deluxe, luxury, lodges
RishikeshHaridwarAll types: budget, deluxe, luxury, lodges
ChambaRishikeshBudget and deluxe
TehriRishikeshBudget, Deluxe
BarkotYamunotriBudget, Deluxe, Luxury
Sayana ChattiYamunotriBudget
Hanuman ChattiYamunotriBudget
YamunotriYamunotriBudget, dharamshala
UttarkashiGangotriAll types: budget, deluxe, luxury, lodges
HarsilGangotriBudget, Deluxe
GangotriGangotriBudget, lodges, dharamshala
GaumukhGangotriTents and Camps
SrinagarRudraprayagBudget, Deluxe
RudraprayagKedarnathBudget, Deluxe, Luxury
AugustmuniKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
ChandrapuriKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
GuptkashiKedarnathBudget, Deluxe, Luxury
PhataKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
SitapurKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
GaurikundKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
KedarnathKedarnathBudget, Deluxe, Dharamshala
ChoptaKedarnathBudget, Deluxe
GopeshwarBadrinathBudget, Deluxe
ChamoliBadrinathBudget, Deluxe
PipalkotiBadrinathBudget, Deluxe
JoshimathBadrinathBudget, Deluxe
AuliBadrinathDeluxe, Luxury
GovindghatBadrinathBudget, Deluxe
BadrinathBadrinathBudget, Deluxe, Luxury, Dharamshala
NandprayagRudraprayagBudget, Deluxe
KarnprayagRudraprayagBudget, Deluxe
DevprayagRishikeshBudget, Deluxe
PauriSrinagarBudget, Deluxe

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